En forårsdag, da tulipanerne rigtig
blomstrede, kiggede Lilla op i æbletræet, og så en ballon, der var filtret ind
i træets grene.
A lovely spring day Purple looked up into the apple tree, and he saw a balloon up there. It's string was caught in the branches.
Lilla kaldte på de andre og klatrede op
i træet.
Der fik han hurtigt filtret snoren ud af
grenene, men i stedet for at dale langsomt nedad med ballonen, fløj Lilla opad.
blev helt bange. De andre regnbuedråber stod nede på græsset og råbte til ham.
Purple called for the other Droplets, and then he climbed the tree.
Purple untangled the strin, but instead op the balloon slowly carrying Purple down from the tree it started drifting upwards!
He became afraid. And down under the apple tree all the other Droplets stood, calling Purple's name.
Heldigvis kom Lilla så meget til sig
selv at han greb fat i en af de øverste grene på æbletræet. Men ballonen gav
han ikke slip på, så nu hang han dér og blev længere og længere.
Alle de andre regnbuedråber klatrede op
til Lilla og greb fat i ham. Regnbuedråberne halede i Lilla og til
sidst havde de halet både Lilla og ballonen ned på græsset.
Luckily Purple was a quick one. He grasped hold of one of the topmost twigs. But he did not let go of the balloon. Now he was being stretched.
All the other Droplets climbed the apple tree until they could ract Purple, and then they slowly pulled him and the balloon down to the solid earth.
De tøjrede ballonen til en
tulipan og gik i seng. |
They tied the balloon to a sturdy looking tulip and went to bed.
Næste morgen havde Lilla fået den skøre
idé, at de kunne tage en tur i ballon hen over hele haven.
De andre var straks med på ideen, og hurtigt
flettede Gule og Lilla et net om ballonen imedens Røde hentede en lille kurv,
der kunne hænge nedenunder.
Grønne spurgte: "Skal
jeg komme og hjælpe dig med at bære kurven?"
"Nej tak," svarede Røde, "det er meget nemmere at rulle den." |
The next morning, Purple had an idea. He would like a ride in the balloon to see how the garden and all the world looked from up there.
All the other Droplets found it to be a grand idea. Yellow and Purple found some strings whish they tied into a net over the balloon. Red had a big basket, which he brougth on a mini-skateboard.
Green asked if he should help carry the basket. "No thanks," Red answered. "This is much easier than carrying it."
Udsigten var meget smuk. De
svævede op over forfatterens hus, så de kunne se det røde tag og lugte røgen
fra skorstenen. "Nej se," sagde Blå, "vi kan se vejrhanen på
kirketårnet derovre, bag ved vores æbletræ!."
The view form the balloon was really great. They soared over the Owls' house, smeeled the smoke from the chimney, and looked at the new, red roof.
"Oh look," Blue said. We can see the weather cock at the church on the hill, behind our apple tree."
Bedst som de svævede af sted, kom der en
stor hveps flyvende og landede på ballonen.
med dig, dit væmmelige utyske!" råbte Grønne og slog
efter hvepsen med et reb. Det skulle han aldrig have gjort, for hvepsen blev så
rasende at den stak hul i ballonen.
sivede med en høj, pibende lyd ud af ballonen, og regnbuedråberne faldt ned.
As they soared and enjoyed the wiev a wasp came flying and landed on the balloon.
"Get away, ugly monster!" Green screamed, and slashed after the wasp with a loose rope. That was a stupid idea. He scared the wasp, and it stung the balloon with its stinger, making a little hole.
The air went out os the balloon with a long, loud sound, and the balloon with the Droplets slowly fell from the skies.
Heldigvis sad ballonen igen fast i
æbletræets grene, så de landede i god behold i forfatterens have.
The Droplets were lucky. The balloon was once again caugth by the branches of the apple tree. The Droplets climbed down a rope and were home again.
SvarSletI love the tulips. We have a tulip festival every spring in our local town. It's not huge but does attract many tourists.
I was also looking at your weather vane or weather cock. Two of the four letters are the same as in English: N and S. I assume you have completely different words for east and west. I will have to go and look them up.